the threat of war
instruments symphony orchestra
2 fl* 2ob 2cl* 2fg* – 4cor 2tr 2trb 1btrb – 1timp 0 – 0 – str.
year of production 1999/2000 rev.2001
duration 11‘
first performance
May 19 2000
Rosenbergsalen, Malmö
Helsingborg Symphony Orchestra
Bjarte Engeset
work comments
The title refers to crisis situations, for example in Kosovo during the years of 1998-1999.
The first introductory measures express the threat of war in that region.
The music is inspired by the shocking war footages from news broadcasts on television and in daily newspapers.
You can imagine yourself experiencing the warfare in your own country, the terror and being forced to escape.
In the background underlies also folk-musical structures i.e african clave-rhythms (4:3 polyrhythm)
as a connection with the crisis in the Kongo-Kinshasa region in which went on at the same time as in Kosovo.
This work was composed to the annual project called ”The Composers of Tomorrow 2000”
between the Helsingborg Symphony Orchestra and the Academy of Music in Malmö.
It was judged as ”best orchestral work” by the musicians of the orchestra and was performed later
on the Young Soloists Concert in the Concert Hall in Helsingborg.
Other important performances could be mentioned like the Young Nordic Music Festival (UNM) in Reykjavik, Iceland
and Stockholm New Music 2003.
The Threat of War was nominated by the Swedish Music Publishers Association (SMFF) Award
in the category ”The most significant contemporary music work of the year” in 2005.
Worried Souls SCD1190, Swedish Society thru Naxos.
Recording engineer: Fabian Frank

other performances made
March 25 2001
Konserthuset, Helsingborg
Unga Solister, Solofonipriset (The Solofoni Prize)
Helsingborg Symphony Orchestra
Cecilia Rydinger Alin
March 22 2002
Artisten, Gothenburg
Symphony Orchestra of the Gothenburg School of Music
Cecilia Rydinger Alin
April 16 2002
Konserthus, Aalborg, Denmark DANISH PREMIERE!
Aalborg Symphony Orchestra
Per-Otto Johansson
June 23 2002
Stadshallen, Lund
Nordic Youth Orchestra (Nordiska Ungdomsorkestern)
Mika Eichenholz
September 5 2002
Háskólábíó, Reykjavik, Iceland ICELANDIC PREMIERE
Ung Nordisk Musik (UNM) Festival
Iceland Symphony Orchestra
Hermann Bäumer
Radio broadcast on Swedish Radio P2 April 2nd 2003
February 15 2003
Södra Latins Gymnasium, Stockholm
Södra Latin Symphony Orchestra
Jan Risberg
February 16 2003
Immanuelskyrkan, Stockholm
Stockholm New Music 2003
Södra Latin Symphony Orchestra
Jan Risberg
November 27 2004
De Geer Concert Hall, Norrköping
Norrköping Symphony Orchestra
Stefan Solyom
April 24 2005
Görreshaus, Koblenz, GERMAN PREMIERE
Staatsorchester Rheinische Philharmonie,
Stefan Solyom
Radio broadcast on SWR Rheinland Pfalz June 23 2005, SWR2
June 10 2005
Norrlandsoperan, Umeå
Symphony Orchestra of the Norrlandsoperan
Daniel Raiskin
Radio broadcast on SRP2 February 6 2006
August 30 and 31 2006
Konserthuset, Stockholm
The Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra
Michael Christie
April 15 2007
Gewandhaus, Leipzig
MDR-Sinfonieorchester Leipzig
Stefan Solyom
Radio broadcast on MDR FIGARO April 22 2007
November 18 2007
Lund, Stadshallen
Lunds Stadsorkester
Mats Rondin
May 24 2008
Musikaliska (former Nybrokajen 11) , Stockholm
Södra Latin Symphony Orchestra
Jan Risberg
February 12 2009
Gevaliasalen, Gävle
Gävle Symphony Orchestra
Mats Rondin
October 25
Gevaliasalen, Gävle
Gävle Symphony Orchestra
Alexander Hanson
Radio broadcast on SR P2 February 21 2013
June 23 2013
Stadshallen, Lund
Nordiska Ungdomsorkestern
Mika Eichenholz
Konserthuset, Stockholm
Gävle Symphony Orchestra
Emil Eliasson
May 22-26 2023
Studio recording for Swedish Society thru Naxos
Released February 2025
Gävle Symphony Orchestra
Emil Eliasson
reviews on the threat of war
Ung Nordisk Musik 2002, Reykjavík, Iceland.
Iceland Symphony Orchestra/Hermann Bäumer
[…] ”The orchestra did seem to like this powerful piece very much and the audience responded to that.” […]
Rikhardhur O. Pálssón, Morgunbladid, September 10th 2002
Artisten, Gothenburg
Symphony Orchestra of the Gothenburg School of Music/
Cecilia Rydinger Alin
[…] ”personal and engaging reflection, almost as an first-hand observation”. […]
Andreas Krizsan, Tritonus, 1/02, March 25th 2002
De Geer Hall, Norrköping
Norrköping Symphony Orchestra/Stefan Solyom
[…] ”The Threat of War is swiftly fluctuating, dynamic music – a work with an innovative tone language, but hardly provocative. The music has an organic, self-developing character that makes it palpable and gripping. The title of the work notwithstanding, it is not only about a destructive threat of war that is manifested in eruptive explosions and black melancholy. Perhaps these emotional fields of tension would not be so expressive if scope were not given to rather bright, tranquil sections with mild clusters and tendencies toward melodic structure. The composer creates variation in his means of expression by making use of glissandi, above all in the strings and the kettledrum with a pedal. The clattering col legno effects of the strings and the brass section’s sighing and toneless exhaling sounds signal extraordinary levels of feeling. Stefan Solyom and the Norrköping Symphony Orchestra deserve our highest appreciation for ensemble playing packed with excitement and indelible rhythmic clarity.”
Reidar Sunnerstam, Norrköpings Tidningar, November 29th 2004
Symphony Orchestra at the Norrland Opera/Daniel Raiskin
Norrland Opera/Umeå
[…] ”The surprise of the evening was no doubt the young Swedish composer Benjamin Staern. Not since the mature Karl – Birger Blomdahl has a Swedish composer had such control over the craft of musical composition and such a thorough knowledge of the instruments.” […]
Carl Rehnberg, Västerbottens Folkblad, June 12th 2005
[…] ”A real contrast…the symphony orchestra performed with deafening precision and sharp-painted The Threat of War by Benjamin Staern (born 1978). Here was also eruptive cannonades, the encouraging rhythms and intensive play, much thanks to an excellent effort by the conductor Daniel Raiskin and the Symphony Orchestra at the Norrland Opera. ”[…]
Bengt Hultman, Västerbottenkuriren, June 11th 2005
Staatsorchester Rheinische Philharmonie/Stefan Solyom
Görreshaus/Koblenz, Germany
[…] ”This is music that with dramatic stylistic means lets the threats of war get in under your skin. Drastic contrasts come one after the other, violent nose dives, shimmering upward passages, blaring trumpet signals, whining and string glissandi that produce the sound of falling bombs. A melodic, frail, budding plant of hope is buried under forceful wind instrument and percussion waves that break loose. An apocalyptic, but very skillfully composed, chaos that was given a disciplined performance with a high degree of concentration by the Rheinische Philharmonie under Solyom’s very self-assured and transparent leadership. ” […]
Lieselotte Sauer-Kaulbach, Rhein-Zeitung April 26th 2005
MDR Sinfonieorchester/Stefan Solyom
Gewandhaus/Leipzig, Germany
[…] ”Laut bis chaotisch kommt Staerns Komposition daher, die Instrumentengruppen kämpfen gegeneinander wie Kriegsgegner…doch unterliegen die Klangschicten einer dramaturgischen Ordnung, die durchdacht und reif herüberkommt. Kriegsberichterstattung in Fernsehen und Tageszeitungen inspirierte den Komponisten, ein Musikstück über die Schreckes des Krieges zu schreiben. Und auch ohne dies zu wissen, kann man in den flimmernden Streicherglissandi fallende Bomben hören und sich von den explosionsartige Klängen des Schlagwerks erschrecken lassen.” […]
Maren Winterfeld, Leipziger Volkszeitung April 17th 2007
The Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra/Michael Christie
[…] “The best item on the programme was “The threat of war” by Benjamin Staern.
The title points away towards great seriousness, but what was performed was a rhythmical as well as structural well-formed orchestral texture in a post-Stravinsky atmosphere with some modern instrumentation effects as a time marker.” […]
Thomas Anderberg, Dagens Nyheter, September 2nd 2006.
[…] “[Staern] has a secure hand for orchestra.” […]
Lars Hedblad, Svenska Dagbladet, September 2nd 2006.
Lunds stadsorkester/Mats Rondin
[…] ”an internationally acclaimed work with outspoken connections to war threats that are cabled out in our living rooms…The orchestra seems very well prepared for Staerns work. The fragments are kept together. Staerns development from massive orchestral textures to more transparency is very welcomed. My associations comes across to the Pole Witold Lutoslawski, who never considered that you should not write it difficult without any kind of necessity.” […]
Matti Edén, Sydsvenska Dagbladet, November 20th 2007
Gävle Symfoniorkester/Mats Rondin
[…] ”It was brutal, it was painful and it was strong – in other words a fantastic war depiction.” […]
Bodil Froos, Arbetarbladet, February 14 2009.
[…] ” Then our attention are turned towards the cruelties of war and what fear people makes. Benjamin Staerns Threat of War is a reaction to the wars in Kosovo and Kongo-Kinshasa in the end of the nighties with combat thunder, piercing noise, fanfares. Hurling cascades, voices in escape, threatening grounds. The war’s chemical fogs over tainted earth, missile sound. A depicition of chaos, with clear form: a bit paradoxical.” […]
Camilla Dal, Gefle Dagblad, February 14 2009
Gävle Symfoniorkester/Alexander Hanson
[…] ”The dissonance of the Balkan War and tensions are taking shape in the orchestral piece The threat of war. The blaring syncopations and sharp strings tingle in stark contrast to the beautiful and sonorous as overall set the theme of the program.” […]
Emelie Lundin, Arbetarbladet, October 26 2012
[…] ” It is complex, messy, brass-filled music, Stravinsky often-magnificent muscular – in addition to Allan Pettersson-like fragility. Towards the end violins, which threatens to drown the war drunken fortissimo:a prayer for mercy. Overall: a modernity that breathe clearly rooted in contemporary European music – but Benjamin Staern also has its very own voice. What a future promise!” […]
Björn Gustafsson, Gefle Dagblad, October 30 2012.
”Det måste ha varit en sensation, den där majdagen 2000 på Malmös musikhögskola. Hur lät morgondagens tonsättare vid det nya millenniet? Helsingborgs Symfoniorkester presenterade ett verk med den ominösa titeln ”The threat of war”, signerat en tjugoårig Malmöstudent vid namn Benjamin Staern…
Men ändå. Vilket drivet handlag med orkesterns resurser, vilken klangfantasi och idérikedom! …berör med sin uppriktiga uttrycksvilja att just uppröra med insikten om kriget. Den gången på Balkan.” […]
”It must have been a sensation, that May day 2000 at Malmö Academy of Music. How did tomorrow’s composers sound at the new millennium? Helsingborg Symphony Orchestra presented a work with the ominous title ”The threat of war”, signed by a twenty-year-old Malmö student named Benjamin Staern …
But still, what a touch with the orchestra’s resources, what a sound imagination and a wealth of ideas! … Touches with his sincere desire to express precisely to upset with the realization of the war. That time in the Balkans. ”
Camilla Lundberg, DN, April 9th 2022.