
instruments tuba solo, electronic sounds and symphony orchestra:– 3*3*3*3* 4331 04 11 tuba, laptop, str.

year of production 2004 – 05


dedication Kjetil Myklebust, Malmö Symphony Orchestra and Maestro Luca Francesconi


duration 17‘

first performance 
September 7th 2005,
Konserthuset, Malmö
Kjetil Myklebust, tuba
Benjamin Staern, computer
Malmö Symphony Orchestra
Tuomas Ollila, conductor



work comments
In Sacrificio (sacrifice) the solo tuba is the sacrifice which performs a ritual that goes from noise to pitch while the orchestra goes in opposite direction, from pitch to noise. The electronic sounds provide a link between the soloist and the orchestra. The work is built around a formula played by the tuba in the introduction where the playing instructions says ”quasi cantus firmus” (almost plain chant). What differs from an ordinary cantus firmus (rhythmically simple and ascetic melodic line) is that it is more expressive and dynamic, which in turn generates material that is further processed in the concerto.
Sacrificio is divided in three parts with two separate solo cadenzas in between; the first with electronic sounds and the second without.

Benjamin Staern

Reviews on Sacrificio



Malmö Konserthus
Kjetil Myklebust, tuba
Benjamin Staern, computer
Malmö Symphony Orchestra
Tuomas Ollila



[…] ”As the title of the piece suggests, the music was meticulously planned. (Sacrificio means “sacrifice” in Italian.) Staern is a musical narrator who moves us with the aid of large-scale effects. Aggressive figurations and diabolical crescendos in the orchestra alternated with sections where Myklebust’s tuba, alone in a large auditorium filled with electronic noise, emitted soft breathings and heartbeat sounds. The rare normal-tuba tones had in this context a heart-rending effect. Myklebust is a musician who does not allow himself to be restricted by traditional manners of playing and Staern a composer who is not afraid of world-shaking subjects and feelings.
That is exciting. ” […]

Tobias Lund, Sydsvenska Dagbladet, September 10th 2005


other perfomances made


”Music in Current” as a part of Suntory Festival
Suntory Hall, Tokyo, Japan
Shinya Hashimoto, tuba
Kazuyoshi Akiyama, conductor

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