
instruments   symphony orchestra

1 picc 2 fl 3 ob 2 cl 1 bcl 2 fg 1cfg 4cor 3trpt 3trbn 1tuba 1 timp 3 perc harp *) str.

*) The harp part may be doubled ad lib.


year of production 2009


commissioner Göteborgs Symfoniker (”Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra”)


dedication Stefan Solyom


duration 8‘


first performance
April 2 2009
Konserthuset, Gothenburg

Göteborgs Symfoniker (”Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra”)
Stefan Solyom




work comments

The music takes its cue from the work’s title Jubilate – a musical response to the phenomenon of spectators 

cheering with joy and the experience of being part of a powerful celebration. 

Then you have its destructive counterpart; hooligans booing and causing trouble, 

sabotaging festivities. Musically it is translated into antitheses: tonal versus atonal, 

loud versus silent, organic versus mechanic and so on. 

These contrasts gradually dissolve and finally unites towards the end of the work.

other performances


April 3 2009
Konserthuset, Vara

Gothenburg Symphony Orchestra
Stefan Solyom



February 25 2010
City Halls, Glasgow UK PREMIERE!

BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra
Stefan Solyom
Radio broadcast (both analog and on internet)  on March 2nd

BBC Radio 3.



October 18 2013
Musikkiitalo, Helsinki FINNISH PREMIERE!

Nordic Music Days 2013

Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra
Baldur Brönnimann
Radio and TV broadcast live on October 18 on YLE 2.



March 13 2015
SuperPark Arena, Oulu, Finland

Oulu Sinfonia
Jaakko Kuusisto.


April 17 2015
Haugh Performing Arts Center,

Citrus College, Azusa, USA US PREMIERE!

Azusa Pacific University Symphony Orchestra
Christopher Russell


September 30 and October 1 2015
Theater am Marientor, Duisburg, Germany GERMAN PREMIERE!
Duisburger Philharmoniker
Stefan Solyom



April 4 2018

Konzerthalle, Joseph-Keilberth-Saal RECORDING SESSION

Bamberg, Germany
Bamberger Symphoniker
Stefan Solyom


April 26 and 28 2018
Konserthuset, Stockholm STOCKHOLM PREMIÈRE!
Kungliga Filharmoniska Orkestern
Sakari Oramo
On tour in Italy and Spain:


May 3  2018

Auditorio Nacional de la Música, Madrid, Spain  SPANISH PREMIERE!


May 4 2018

Auditorio de la Dipuación, Alicante, Spain,


May 6 2018

Teatro Nuovo Giovanno, Udine, Italy,  ITALIAN PREMIERE!


May 7 2018

Teatro Grande, Brescia, Italy,



January 16 2020
Malmö Live, Malmö MALMÖ PREMIÈRE!
Malmö Symphony Orchestra
Domingo Hindoyan



August 14 2021
Terningen Arena Elverum, Norway NORWEGIAN PREMIERE!
Norwegian National Youth Orchestra
Cathrine Winnes


April 7 & 9 2022 

Benjamin Staern Composer Weekend 4 – 7 April

Konserthuset, Stockholm

Kungliga Filharmonikerna

Cathrine Winnes

Broadcasted on Swedish Radio P2 May 23 2022.

reviews on jubilate


Konserthuset, Göteborg
Göteborgs Symfoniker

Stefan Solyom


[…] ”Sällan har väl en titel haft så fullständig täckning i det klingande förloppet som här. Staern hade den stora orkesterns alla rekvisit med i sin musik…….Praktfulla klanger från båda håll hur som helst och Staerns härligt intensiva känslosamhet smittar onekligen med vilka öron man än lyssnade. ” […]

[…] ”A title has surely seldom had such complete coverage in the course

of sounding events as this one. Staern included all the prerequisites

of the large orchestra in his music… Magnificent sonorities and

Staern’s glorious, intense emotionalism are certainly contagious

regardless with whichever ears one listened.” […]

Håkan Dahl, Göteborgsposten, April 3 2009.


April 3

Konserthuset, Vara
Göteborgs Symfoniker

Stefan Solyom


[…] ”Det var turboladdad musik med ett oerhört klangtryck och musikalisk tyngd. Musiken blåste som en uppbyggelsens storm över oss. ” […]

 […]”It was turbo-charged music with tremendous power of sound and

musical substance.…The music blowed like an upbuilding storm upon us.” […]

Bo Borg, Nya Lidköpings Tidningar, April 6 2009



February 25 UK PREMIERE
BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra

Stefan Solyom
City Halls, Glasgow, Scotland


”Benjamin Staern’s Jubilate proved a brilliant opener that did what it said on the tin and had everything from fanfares and flourishes to (virtually) the arrival of the Seventh Cavalry”.

Michael Tumelty. The Herald


”With a programme featuring Shostakovich’s Symphony No. 10 alongside Sibelius’s Violin Concerto, this was destined to be an evening of epic performances…the UK première of Benjamin Staern’s Jubilate, with its theatrical narrative and clashing fanfares, set the pace.”

Living Scotsman, February 27th 2010


October 18
Musikkiitalo, Helsinki FINNISH PREMIERE!

Nordic Music Days 2013

Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra
Baldur Brönnimann

”I svensken Benjamin Staerns Jubilate finns en stark energi och framåtanda, lite så där som i Magnus Lindberg eller Sebastian Fagerlund. Staern skriver skickligt för orkester samtidigt som han håller lyssnaren i ett stadigt grepp med sin känsla för dramaturgi.”

”In the Swede Benjamin Staern’s Jubilate there was a strong energy and forwardness, as such as Magnus Lindberg or Sebastian Fagerlund. Staern writes skilfully for orchestra at the same time he holds the listener in a tight grip with its sense of dramaturgy.”

Wilhem Kvist, Hufvudstadsbladet October 19 2013.


”När en ung tonsättare får skriva till en stor symfoniorkester, är man oftast entusiastisk att man pumpar i fullt av saker i ett kort verk för orkester….Den svenske Benjamin Staern och den norske Eivind Buene hade båda fått en släng av maximalism….bägge verk var fulla av energisk ljudbrus och smällande av rytmer.”

”When a young composer gets to write for large symphony orchestra, you are often very enthusiastic when you pump in a short work full of stuff…The Swedish Benjamin Staern and Norwegian Eivind Buene had both a bite of maximalism…both works were full of energetic noise and clashing rhythms.”

Hannu-Ilari Lampila, Helsingin Sanomat, October 19 2013.


”Kvällen med Helsingfors Stadsorkester öppnar stort och bullrande med Benjamin Staern’s Jubilate som låter fantastiskt fint…”

”The evening with the Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra opens big and boisterous with Benjamin Staern’s Jubilate that sounded mind-blowing nice …”

Magnus Bunnskog, Nutida Musik 2013-14, April 2014.




September 30th
Theater am Marientor, Duisburg, Germany GERMAN PREMIERE!
Duisburger Philharmoniker
Stefan Solyom


”Das eine war die Deutsche Erstaufführung des achtminütigen, brillanten und farbenreichen Prélude für Orchester ”Jubilate” (2009) von dem 1978 geborenen Benjamin Staern, das zur Zeit zu Recht in der Klassik-Welt Furore macht. Es setzt sich mit dem Phänomen der Ausrufe kollektiver Freude und Begeisterung auseinander, behandelt aber im Gegensatz dazu auch die zerstörerisch verheerenden Aggressionen entfesselter Hooligan-Gruppen. Da treffen Gegensätze aufeinander: Die Musik ist tonal oder atonal, laut oder leise, mechanisch oder melodisch, bis die Gegensätze aufbrechen und sich gegen Ende vereinigen. Von diesem Komponisten wird man noch viel hören.”

”One was the German premiere of the eight minute, brilliant and colorful Prelude for Orchestra ”Jubilate” (2009) of the 1978-born Benjamin Staern, which makes the time right in the classical world sensation. It deals with the phenomenon of collective exclamation of joy and enthusiasm, but in contrast, treated the destructive devastating aggression unleashed hooligan groups. Since opposites meet: The music is tonal or atonal, loud or soft, mechanically or melodically, until the opposites arise and unite towards the end. From this composer you will be hearing a lot more.”

Ingo Hoddick, Rheinische Post, October 1st 2015


January 16th 2020
Malmö, Malmö Live
Malmö Symphony Orchestra
Domingo Hindoyan

[…] ”trycks musiken framåt med stark energi. Redan här (2009) behärskar Malmötonsättaren konsten att skriva för full orkester utan att det blir grötigt. Typiskt för ”Jubilate” är de smattrande trumpetfigurerna som driver på, liksom hur tonerna ofta rusar som löpeldar genom orkestern, en sorts Snurre Sprätt-kanon som skärper lyssnarens nyfikenhet.” […”


[…]”the music pushes forward with strong energy. Already here (200) the Malmö composer masters the art on writing for full orchestra without becoming too murky. Typically for Jubilate are for blaring trumpet figures that drives on, likewise the tones always rushing like wildfires through the orchestra, a sort of Bugs Bunny-canon that sharpens the curiosity of the listener.”[…]
Matti Edén, Sydsvenskan January 2020.




April 7 2022

Konserthuset, Stockholm

Kungliga Filharmonikerna

Cathrine Winnes

[…] ”Jubel får inleda Benjamin Staerns tonsättarweekend på Konserthuset: orkesterstycket ”Jubilate” från 2009 börjar med en uppfordrande urladdning. Det anger också tonen för den fyra dagar långa festivalen, som denna gång porträtterar en av det svenska musiklivets mest originella kompositörer, med en alldeles egen drive och ett högst personligt tonspråk.” […]


 […]”Jubilation begins Benjamin Staern’s composer weekend at the Concert Hall: the orchestral piece ”Jubilate” from 2009 begins with an encouraging discharge. It also sets the tone for the four-day festival, which this time portrays one of Swedish music life’s most original composers, with its very own drive and a highly personal tone language.”  […]

Bo Löfvendahl, Svenska Dagbladet April 2022.

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